The Fresh Air Team consists of specialists with a wealth of scientific and operational expertise. This combination means that the solutions we develop for our clients are practical, operationally appropriate and based on a sound understanding of the science of fatigue and alertness management.

Fresh Air Alertness Management helps safety-critical organisations to manage workforce fatigue and alertness. We specialise in helping organisations to introduce Fatigue Risk Management Systems that are compliant with all regulatory requirements.

Having gained much of our fatigue risk management experience in the aviation industry, Fresh Air was set up to enable organisations working in other safety-critical industries to benefit from the advances made by aviation. Our clients work in rail, aviation, oil and gas, road transport and the emergency services.

For the rail industry, we audit arrangements for managing fatigue to ensure compliance with ORR guidance, as well as the Network Rail Fatigue Standard (NR/L2/OHS/003).

Fresh Air’s team also provides a range of other services designed to help manage workforce alertness. These include:

Fresh Air clients include…

Fresh Air Training Solutions

Our blended learning solutions combine classroom and computer-based training to deliver regulator-compliant fatigue management training in an informative and engaging way. This ensures that all parts of your organisation understand their responsibilities for managing fatigue and have the skills to do so. 

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Background: The regulatory authorities of many safety-critical industries now require their operators to take a more scientific approach to the management of employee fatigue. 

Typically this begins with developing a Fatigue Risk Management Plan. But the challenge for many companies is to put this plan into practice, which means having a team of managers who understand the scientific principles of fatigue risk management and who are capable of executing the plan on a daily basis.


Classroom Training

Fatigue risk management training delivered by a FRM specialist with over 20 years’ experience, including training aviation personnel from over 100 airlines and over 20 regulatory authorities...

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Fatigue risk management e-learning, tailored to your organisation and including innovative elements that engage, inform and provide practical solutions... 

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